
Catastrophy 30 x 30 Challenge

3 Home Challenges - 30 Mins x 30 Day

Hello guys! I hope you all are doing well and staying safe at home.
I don't want to talk about the on going pandemic right now, instead I want all of us to take this opportunity to stay home and spend time with our dear once along with our work/studies. I know we all are going through uncertain times and it’s very easy to feel sad, as our daily activities have dropped down all of a sudden. Our screen time is increasing and we're running out of options of what we could possibly be doing at home. 

In this time I want to take up a 30 mins x 30 days challenge with you guys. 3 activities, 30 minutes for 30 days.
Let's us all aim to spend time on ourselves to take care of our physical self, create a peaceful space for ourselves, grow our knowledge and most importantly focus on spiritual growth.

April 2020
1)   Workout for 20 minutes
I did some basic stretches and few body weight exercises just to get started with moving my body again.
2)   Drink 2 liters of water 
I took up this challenge since I have been drinking less than 500 ml water a day for the last couple months due to the cold weather and being home gives us no excuse to not drink enough water.
3)   Pray for 5 minutes daily
I just thanked the almighty for the gift of this day. Also prayed and asked blessings for what's happening around.
Tip- These activities somehow kept me busy and helped me boost my mood staying home.
4)   15 minutes yoga
I tried Alo Yoga check it on youtube.
5)  Get some sun and fresh air from the window for 10 minutes
I opened my room window and tried to side by it and it felt really good.
6)  Read an insightful article for 5 minutes.
I read about minimalism article on Love people, Not thing.
7)   Help parents with making list of groceries for 20 minutes
We have to order grocery online due to the current lockdown situation so, I sat along with my parents to make a list.
8)   Reach out to old friends via text 3 minutes
I texted couple friends who live in Germany and India.
9)  Organize the study table 7 minutes
I prepared to study by setting up my desk.
10)   Take 15 minutes to unsubscribe to youtube accounts that you don't watch
There are many channels which I do not resonate with anyone so I decide to unsubscribe to them so I can have a feed in which I will see only what I like.
11)   Take 5 minutes to be in the present moment
I always live by the saying right now the present moment is your life. Past is gone and future is yet to come.
12)  Take 10 minutes to write out your thoughts
Writing down how I feel makes me feel calm. You cannot keep everything in you head it is nice to take a pen and paper and pin in down. You will feel clear, lighter and less worried.
13)   Take 10 minutes to research about any topic that interest you.
14)   Try having a family pray for 15 minutes so it feels like a Sunday.
15)   In 5 minutes write down 2 things that made you really happy this week.
16)   Clean your space 10 minutes
17)   Play some great music 10 minutes
18)   Feed some birds in you balcony 10 minutes
19)   Clean 1 drawer 15 minutes
20)   Play games on your phone 10 minutes
21)   Take 5 minutes to plan for the next day
22)   Make your bed 5 minutes
23)   Meal plan 20 minutes
24)   Watch funny videos  
25)   Call your family member and catch up for 15 minutes or more☺
26)   Email someone saying thinking of you 5 minutes
27)  Pray and let's prepare our hearts for Easter Sunday 10 minutes.
28)  Good Friday 
Spending most day in silence. Not talking is super powerful feeling give it a try.
29)  Put your phone down for 15 minutes
30)  Make a list for the day 10 minutes
31)  Read happy quotes for 5 minutes
32) Take 5 minutes to breathe
Stressed?Close your eyes. Listen to only the sound of your breath for a full 5 minutes become nothing but breath. Your soul will thank you. 
33) Take 15 minutes to break your fast and enjoy your first Easter meal
34)Take extra 10 minutes to talk to your parents.
35)   Fast -15 minutes. Make a little space for yourself to rest and renew
36)  Call a family member 10 minutes
37)  Add a regime 5 minutes I take extra time to comb my hair
38)   Make yourself a nice breakfast 15 minutes
39)  Walk for 10 minutes to shake off if you will anxious
40)  Listen to your favorite song 5 minutes

You all are free to make your own goals for the day. Also free to comment a goal for us to share in the next 30 days. Let's slow things down and take life one day at a time.
Let's Live A Life Less Ordinary. 
Until next time, always remember to keep hustling for your dreams. Xo, Jessi ♡

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