
2018 resolutions + goals | Lifestyle


  1. SAVE MONEY & INVEST - I have spent a lot of money on eating out and shopping last year it's time to save up now. I turned 21 it's time to look out for the future and start investing for the future. I am definitely planning to save up for college, to graduate debt free, to become completely financially independent, and to travel.
  2. Eat healthy - I want to limit eating out. I have spent a lot of money eating out it's time to cook healthy meals at home. Also, make a point to eat each meal of the day. Skipping meals is a bad habit that, I caught in the past year.
  3. Stress less. Easier said than done? Probably. I’m such a stress ball though and honestly kind of over being that way. I stress about everything– what people think of me, how I talk, the way I look, exams which are weeks away, not getting a blog post up on time, etc. Seriously, name anything and I’ve probably stressed about it or still am. It’s in my nature and it’s who I am so I know I won’t be able to completely stop stressing over some things but, I can at least stop stressing over what I don’t have control over. I shouldn’t stress over something I can’t change. This year I hope to realize that kind of stuff on my own and I hope that helps reduce my stress levels a lot!
  4. Tone up- I am proud to say that I have been pretty consistent in going to the gym and staying up to my fitness goals but, this year I am looking for more than just weight loss I am looking for a transformation. I want to build up muscles, endurance, try new workouts and be the best and fit version of myself.  
  5. TRY NEW THINGS- I am a thrill and adventure seeker trying new things make me make. Something just like eating at a new place, taking up a new class, visiting a new part in my city, or saying yes to all the opportunities that come to me.


1. Explore photography more.

2.Cook more and write down my recipes.

3.Get coffee.(A good cup of coffee) 

4.Run a 5k.

5.Get a Internship.

6.Travel with my friends.

7.Make vision boards.

8.Go on road trips.

9.Have less, do more, be more.

10.Take time off.

11. Go to Europe.

12. Meet like minded-people.

13. Vlog more!

14. Have set schedule for upcoming posts.

15.Launch two very exciting projects. (Dates coming soon!)

16. Focus on quality.

17. Carried over from last year.

  • Decorate my room
  • Take up on art again.
18. Double the hustle.

These are my top goals for 2018! I hope this year is full of new adventures, travel and full of growth. Until next time, remember to always keep hustling for your dreams. Xo, Jessi.