
10 things I want to do in 2017 |Jd'sWishlist


Glasses 😜

      I decided to share my wishlist for this year, because you guys really enjoyed the last wishlist. We are 3 months in this year. It has been a pretty steady year so far, I don't have any travel plans this year. This year is going to be full of work. Lot's of important things to take care of so, I'm probably going to be super busy most of the time. So, here is the list of few things I want to do by the end of this year.

1. Live in the moment. 

Lately, I have been catching myself either thinking about the past or worrying about the future. It's very important to take things one day at a time. This year I am going to try and focus on the present.

2. Learn to play an instrument. 

I am glad to say that, I'm already half way through learning an instrument so excited to tick this one off.

3. Read 25 books this year. 

I love to read but, I have been a little off beat. So, I want to take up this challenge and read at least 25 good books this year.

4. Take up on painting and drawing once again. 

As a kid I used to love drawing and painting. I haven't really had any time ever since to paint or draw leisurely. I want to take up on that again.

5. Create DIY projects.

Creating something new of your own is always a good idea. I have a few DIYs in mind which I am planning on doing this year.

6. Redecorate my room.

Change is always good. I am planning to redo my room if you guys have any cute ideas please share them with me I need some inspiration.

7. Get a bed time routine. 

I can't even explain how badly I need a bed time routine. I use to be that girl who used to sleep at 9pm sharp but, it's been over a year that my sleep routine is a total mess. Getting good sleep is extremely important and I NEED TO GET A GOOD BED TIME ROUTINE. I am going to try my hardest and work on it as soon as possible.

8. Shop in my own closet.

I shop a ton. I think it's now a bad habit. I have so many clothes in my closet still with their tags on. I clearly need to wear them before, I go out and shop even more. I want to downsize my closet. Simply because, I really don't need much. It's going to be a bit interesting but, I really want to practice it.

9. Take time off once in a while.

I used to always feel like using each day and minute is very important. I put off eating, sleeping or even going out just to finish off the things at hand. I have decide to take it a easy. It's completely okay to take some time off. It's okay to be away for sometime at the end it will only help to get back feeling new and with more energy.

10. To make more wish-lists.

I have had experience with this one. Writing down things really make them happen. You conscious know what you want and you work for in accordingly and it happens. Even with materialistic things believe me I have wrote down the most impossible things which I never thought I would be able to buy. I can't believe but, as of now I have every single thing that I have ever wrote down on a piece of paper. The universe truly works it's magic and gets you what you desire in the right time.

 *I collaborated with Anurima Photography and she shot all this pictures for me go check here out (www.anurimakumarphotography.com) or her Instagram page @anurimakphotography.

Until next time, always keep hustling for your dreams.Xo, Jessi

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