
6 Things You Need To Do Before 2017

We just have 19 days left until the new year. Yes, Just under 3 weeks! WHAT. I know there were so many things, I wanted to do this year and there and so many left. I want to accomplish this goals before, I start the year 2017. I don't just want to push this goals for next year. I know you to would like to check off few things of the list too to make the new years a great one!

1. Your  Health/ Check up- Have you been eating properly? Are you feeling you're best? When was your last physical check up or dental appointment? We need to take care of ourselves. Our physical, mental, and oral health is extremely important. It's important to re-evaluate and see what you need to focus on to live a healthy life. Talk to your parents, friends or go visit a doctor. Start a healthy, diet and good regime now before the new year starts.

2. Exercise- We all start with the most common New Years resolution to lose weight and after the end of January it all goes down the hill. I have to admit this year, I wasn't good with my workout regime. Instead of, just starting from 2017 start is from today and start it now. At least you will feel a little better on the New years eve! One mile per day or 15 push-ups something as little as that will count. In 19 days it will make a difference and give you a head start.

3. Write a letter to yourself- Reflect and try your best to recollect the year. Write the successes, failures, and all the things you feel that made a impact on you this year. Be honest with yourself, be proud and be kind even all the setbacks are a way to learn. Write your heart out don't focus too much on the writing part focus more on your thoughts and feels and pour them down. Don't worry about the spelling or grammar, just write what you feel.

4. Say it out- This might be terrifying and might feel vulnerable to do but, do it anyways. Nothing hurts more then holding back. If you like someone tell them, if you want something ask for it, want to thank someone do it. Compliment others it will make their day. Say what you feel and don't wait for another day.

5. Declutter - I know this might require a lot of time and it's not the most fun thing to do unless you like cleaning but, its very important to clean the space around you. Clean your room, closet, refresh and reorganize things. Even clean up your inbox, old photos and things which you don't need for the upcoming year. Store memories is one proper file and make space for new adventures to come. Take a few days and declutter as much as you can. This will give you a clean start. A blank slate to write on from January 1st.

6. Think ahead- 2017 is just a few weeks away. Along with finishing off this year strong start planning for what's coming. Make a list of goals you want to accomplish, make a vision board or whatever will kept you reminding of want your working on. For me its to spent time with my family, move out of live alone, travel more, Start a new venture and move out of my comfort zone. Making plans and goals will help you make better decisions now for your better future.

Good luck and remember to always keep hustling for your dreams. Xo,Jessi.

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