
Palm tree vibes in India | Travel Thursday

 24th December

            The pre wedding rituals had started. I went to my cousin’s to be house to arrange her closet. It was a fun experience we were served a lot of food and we had lunch at her house. We returned home after couple of hours. In the afternoon, I went to a salon to get a manicure and pedicure I wanted my nails to be clean and get them painted. I had the worst mani-pedi experience ever! I’m not going to name the salon but, I wasn’t at all happy with results. They didn’t even paint my nails. I just wasted couple hours. I can go on and on about complaining about it. I still regret the time that I spent in there. In the evening, my friends came over and we went out to eat street food. I quickly returned back home and spend some time with cousins. It was Christmas Eve and I went to attend the midnight mass. After mass, I went to a BBQ party which ended at around 3 am and my brother came home this day. We got home late from the party and stayed up even more. My Christmas look book will be up on a separate post. 

25th December
            Christmas morning henna party causal and no makeup day. On this day, Simi came home and the craziness started along with henna party. At 5 pm in the evening my cousin got her bridal henna started. To me it was very emotional because, as teenagers we used to talk about this day and it was now a reality. I sat beside her the entire time. Then, I went home for bit and got back to party. Even though, I had food before getting Henna done I got feed by everyone after getting my henna done. In the next post, I will share my Christmas look, my henna color which came out to be darker then the    bride’s henna, and more pictures from the wedding. Stay tuned!

Second week in India

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